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The counseling program at Somerset is designed to support and compliment each student’s efforts in their academic, personal, interpersonal, health, and career development, through a comprehensive and developmentally appropriate program. Aspects of this program include:

Classroom Guidance

monthly or bi-weekly to provide students with the mechanisms and strategies needed in order to grow and succeed academically, socially, emotionally, and morally

Small Group Sessions

during lunch with 4-6 students in order to share ideas, connect, and learn from each other on various topics

Individual Sessions

as requested by students, parents, or teachers on a short-term basis to address specific and unique needs



504 Plans

with a variety of people such as, parents/guardians, teachers,  administrators, and community agencies on behalf of student and school needs

with other professionals to coordinate services in order to deliver a comprehensive counseling program

to ensure all students succeed by providing accommodations for students with substantial limitations 

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